We started out by dyeing our hair.
"Mom, Riley's hair looks so cool! Can I dye mine purple, too?"
"If she's dyeing hers purple, then I want mine BLUE!"
"Sure! Why not?"
We camped. We camped again.
"Mom, can we put glow-in-the-dark stars on the walls of our rooms?"
"Mom, will you help me rearrange my furniture?"
"Yes, I'll help."
"Mom, can I rearrange my room again? I don't like it this way."
"Of course you can."
"Mom, can I make cookies?"
"Yes, as long as you clean up your mess."
"Mom, can we go to the pool?
We got a trampoline AND a hammock.
Mama and her fairy friends took Rooby the camper on her first all-estrogen road trip to Lily Dale, New York and Mama drove it all the way there and back!
While there, we channeled our inner goddesses, wore fairy wreaths on our heads, watched the Tibetan monks make an intricate mandala and soaked up the good ju-ju.
Oh, and then there was the no-kids-allowed '80's party. I was desperately seeking Susan.

And now for the most fun of all: we take off in a few days for our three week "Out West Extravaganza" camping trip.
Our itinerary includes Mackinaw Island, Sault St.Marie, Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, Glacier National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Devil's Tower, Mount Rushmore and the Badlands.
How much fun can this family handle?